Can I Get Braces While Pregnant?

Can I Get Braces While PregnantHave you found yourself wondering, “Can I get braces while pregnant?” Pregnancy is actually a fantastic time to get braces or undergo other types of orthodontic treatment. However, there are some things to keep in mind when getting braces during pregnancy. Learn more about undergoing orthodontic treatment while pregnant, so you’ll be ready to take the next step.

How Do You Get Braces When Pregnant?

Now that you know that you can get your teeth fixed while pregnant, it’s time to consider how to go about the process. You’ll begin just like any other patient by scheduling a complimentary exam.

However, you’ll need to take an extra step during the consultation by telling your orthodontist that you are pregnant. Your pregnancy can have an impact on the way your Riverside orthodontist approaches your treatment and care.

There’s another change to consider when getting braces during your pregnancy. You’ll also need to visit the orthodontist more often than necessary for other patients. This has to do with potential changes to your teeth. Let’s take a closer look at those changes.

What Oral Changes Occur During Pregnancy?

Many people who ask, “Can I get braces while pregnant,” expect to hear the answer of “No.” That’s because of all the dental changes that can occur during pregnancy. However, these changes don’t mean you can’t get treatment. You just need increased monitoring so your Riverside orthodontist can make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

First, your orthodontist might need to address inflammation. This is a common problem during pregnancy and can cause soreness and loosen the teeth. Your teeth can become even looser when you consider the hormones you produce during pregnancy. Unfortunately, these hormones can also increase the acid in your mouth, adding to the risk of decay.

Fortunately, these problems should correct themselves once you give birth. Also, an experienced orthodontist knows how to overcome these issues, so you’ll have a straight smile when your provider removes the braces.

Importance of Oral Hygiene When Wearing Braces

Oral hygiene is always of the utmost importance when wearing braces. However, it’s even more crucial when you’re pregnant. Since your mouth will undergo some changes during the pregnancy, you’re at risk if you don’t stay on top of your oral hygiene.

You’ll need to brush and floss your teeth after meals. Because the process is a bit different when wearing braces, your orthodontist will go over it with you.

Additionally, you need to maintain appointments with your dentist to check your overall oral health. Your dentist and orthodontist can work together to help you maintain your oral health while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Do Braces Hurt More When You’re Pregnant?

Everyone can expect some mild discomfort after getting their braces “tightened.” That’s because the adjustment moves the teeth into the next position.

However, many pregnant women have inflamed gums, and pregnancy can make the nerves more sensitive. Because of that, some women have a little extra discomfort when wearing braces during pregnancy. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen to all women. Also, your Riverside orthodontist can give you some tips for managing discomfort.

Dental X-rays: Can I Get Braces While Pregnant?

When asking, “Can I get braces while pregnant?” you likely have some concern about dental X-rays. While the FDA says that extra attention is needed when undergoing abdominal X-rays, the same isn’t true for dental X-rays. As an extra precaution, your orthodontist will cover your abdominal area during the X-ray. That way, the developing fetus will not receive direct exposure.

Can I Get Braces While Pregnant If I Have Morning Sickness?

Most pregnant women suffer from morning sickness during the early part of their pregnancies. The acid in vomit can damage the enamel on your teeth and the metal on the braces. Thus, you need to neutralize your mouth after vomiting if this happens while wearing braces.

Mix a solution of water and baking soda and rinse out your mouth each time you vomit. You can also rinse with only water if you prefer.

While you’ll feel like brushing your teeth, you don’t want to do that immediately. If you do, your toothbrush will rub acid into the enamel of your teeth and the brackets, potentially causing damage. Instead, rinse immediately and wait at least an hour before brushing your teeth.

What Foods Can Pregnant Women Eat With Braces?

After getting the answer to, “Can I get braces while pregnant,” you can’t help but wonder what foods you can eat. Everyone who wears braces needs to avoid crunchy, sticky, and hard foods since they can damage the hardware. Also, everyone should avoid sugar because it increases the risk of decay.

You want to maintain your health while pregnant, so it’s important that you eat a lot of protein while wearing braces. Fish and soft cuts of chicken are both ideals during pregnancy. On the other hand, you might want to forgo steak until your braces are removed.

Should I Wear Braces While I’m Pregnant?

Knowing the answer to “Can I get braces while pregnant?” is the first step. Finding out if you should get them is the next one, and for many women, the answer is also “yes.”

Once the baby is born, it’ll be hard to find the time to do things for yourself. Instead, you’ll devote all your time and energy to your baby, and you probably won’t get a ton of sleep. That will make it hard for you to find the time to go to orthodontic appointments.

Therefore, many women like to handle this before the baby comes. Then, they can get their braces off and pour all their time and energy into the new bundle of joy.

Can I Get Braces While Pregnant? The Answer Is Yes!

If you want to get braces while pregnant, now’s an excellent time to start the process. Dr. Scott Kesselman of Riverside Orthodontics offers Radiance braces as well as traditional metal braces and Invisalign. Call Riverside Orthodontics in Riverside, CT, at (203) 450-4969 to schedule a free consultation. Remember to let Dr. Kesselman know that you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

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