How to Clean Invisalign Properly

When it comes to maintaining the cleanliness and effectiveness of your Invisalign aligners, the guidance of an experienced orthodontist in Riverside is invaluable. In this guide, we will explore how to clean Invisalign properly, ensuring that your orthodontic treatment remains efficient and your oral hygiene impeccable.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a set of special trays a patient places in their mouth that fits over their teeth. Each tray gradually shifts your teeth into proper alignment, fixing issues such as overcrowding, overbite, crossbite, and gaps between your teeth.

To ensure the effectiveness of Invisalign in Riverside, it’s crucial to wear the trays for a minimum of 22 hours a day. Additionally, patients should adhere to the recommended schedule of switching to a new set every two weeks, as each set works to incrementally adjust the teeth. During this two-week interval, it’s important to consistently clean your Invisalign trays to maintain optimal hygiene and treatment results.

Do you have to clean Invisalign?

It is absolutely essential that you clean Invisalign. Just like bacteria can build up on your teeth if you don’t brush them, bacteria can also build up on your Invisalign trays. A combination of saliva and plaque creates the perfect environment for this bacteria to grow. You will then have bad breath and your teeth will be at increased risk of cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. You want your Invisalign to fix your dental problems, not cause more.

When should you clean Invisalign?

At the very least, you should take a few minutes to clean your Invisalign every day. The best time to clean Invisalign is after you take the aligners out for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. You should also clean the aligners after you wake up and before you go to bed.

How do you clean Invisalign?

You know when to clean your Invisalign, but now you need to know how to clean it. Here are some of the most recommended ways to clean your Invisalign trays:

Retainer Cleaning Tablets

While you are eating, simply place your Invisalign trays into a cup of water and drop a couple of these tablets into it. The tablets will dissolve and your Invisalign trays will get a nice soak as the tablets work to clean them. After a few minutes just remove the trays and gently brush and rinse them to remove any remaining debris. The tablets are safe to use and won’t damage your Invisalign in any way.


Another common product you can use to clean your aligners is Steraligner. It’s a cleaning solution that cleans and sanitizes your aligners in minutes, removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria along the way.

WhiteFoam Retainer Cleaner

This is an on-the-go cleaner that works while you are wearing your Invisalign. One pump of WhiteFoam retainer cleaner up to six times a day is enough to cover the inside and outside of each tray. Just make sure it is spread evenly and then spit out the excess cleaner when you place the aligners back in your mouth.

Best Natural Invisalign Cleaners

If you are looking for natural cleaning products for your Invisalign that don’t utilize chemicals, look no further than OAP Gel and Foam Cleaners. Made using natural ingredients, OAP cleaners work in 60 seconds to clean your aligners. Just gently brush the cleaner into the aligners and then rinse. It’s quick and easy and natural.

Home Remedies to clean Invisalign

Maybe you can’t afford to purchase cleaning solutions or tablets to keep your Invisalign trays clean. But you likely have some common products inside your home already that can work well in a pinch.

Dish and hand soaps

Unscented and uncolored antibacterial dish and hand soaps can be used to clean your aligners. Just use warm water and scrub gently using a soft brush or cloth before rinsing thoroughly.

Baking Soda

IRVINE, CA – JANUARY 23, 2015: A box of Baking Soda. The sodium bicarbonate is distributed by Greenbrier International is used for baking, cleaning and deodorizing.

Using baking soda can be harmful if not done correctly as it can damage the plastic. However, brushing a teaspoon of it on your aligners and then soaking it for thirty minutes in a vinegar and water solution for 30 minutes can effectively clean them, including stains.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hayward, CA – July 31, 2014: 32 fl oz bottle of Swan brand Hydrogen Peroxide

Mix two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide in a half cup of water for your aligners to soak in. Then brush them using a little soap and rinse them off.

Toothbrush and toothpaste

You already brush your teeth, so why not also brush your Invisalign trays as well? Be sure to use a gentle toothpaste with fluoride, such as those designed for children, since some kinds of toothpaste can be abrasive and leave scratches on aligners. Use a soft toothbrush to lightly scrub and then rinse with water. To prevent food particles and debris from getting in your aligners, make sure you brush your teeth before putting them back in.

Best way to clean Invisalign

Align aligners with cleaning crystals in box. Invisalign are plastic clear aligners know as invisible orthodontics, customized to fit jaw used for bite correction

Home remedies and cleaning solutions offered by many manufacturers work well and with every budget, but the best cleaner for Invisalign comes from Invisalign because they understand their product the best. Invisalign Cleaning Crystals is a soaking solution designed for your Invisalign trays by Invisalign. Invisalign also offers trays that can be replaced every seven days instead of every two weeks, cutting down the need for intensive cleaning due to stains.

What not to use

There are things you shouldn’t do to clean your Invisalign.

  • Don’t use hot water because it can deform the plastic aligners, requiring you to order new ones so they will work correctly.
  • Don’t soak your Invisalign trays in mouthwash because it could discolor them. You want your Invisalign to remain unnoticeable.
  • Don’t use abrasive toothpaste and brushes. Only use non-abrasive toothpaste and soft brushes.
  • Don’t leave your aligners out in the open. Always leave them in their case when not using them to prevent dust and other debris from collecting on them.

These do’s and don’ts apply to both Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. At Riverside Orthodontics, we want to help keep our patients’ Invisalign aligners clean. Dr. Scott Kesselman is a highly skilled orthodontist who is ready to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted. If you have any questions about your Invisalign® care or you are ready to try Invisalign for the first time, please give us a call at 203-698-0045 or visit our website today. Let’s keep that smile bright and visible and keep your aligners clean and invisible.

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