A beautiful smile is important at any age. With the development of advanced orthodontic procedures, including Invisalign aligners, more and more adults are discovering that braces aren’t just for teenagers.
Linda Griffis-Smart always prided herself on a healthy smile. After having a molar removed when she was in her mid-60s, she noticed a change in her teeth.
“My top teeth just started shifting to the left,” Griffis-Smart said. “The damage was done in a short period of time, and I didn’t want old lady teeth.”
She also didn’t want to walk around with metal braces.
Although adults often shy away from metal braces, which can be unsightly and uncomfortable, thousands of people are discovering the ease of Invisalign for straightening teeth. The staff at Riverside Orthodontics in Fairfield County, Connecticut, works closely with clients to help them determine which procedure will get them the best results.
Invisalign aligners are made of clear thermoplastic customized to fit your teeth. Patients use a series of aligners to guide the teeth through the transformation process. The procedure can take about 12 months for most adults, according to the American Association of Orthodontists.
Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, which made them the right choice for Griffis-Smart.
“They are not noticeable. Unless I tell people I am wearing them, nobody notices. I go in quarterly for appointments and I change my aligner every Monday morning. There’s no pain or discomfort. It’s the easiest thing I have ever done,” she said.
Riverside Orthodontics, a top orthodontics practice in Fairfield County, Connecticut, recommends Invisalign for many dental corrections, unless the teeth are extremely crooked.
In addition to being clear and more comfortable than traditional braces, Invisalign is a good choice for active professionals who want to look their best.
Invisalign is recommended for patients with gapped teeth, crowded teeth, overbite, underbite and crossbite.
The aligners are worn 22 hours per day for optimum efficiency. Patients remove the aligners to eat and for oral hygiene.
Once the clear aligners are removed, the patient can brush and floss in a normal fashion. The staff at Riverside Orthodontics has found that Invisalign patients tend to have better oral health than people with traditional metal braces. The main reason is because they don’t have to clean around brackets and wires.
Because Invisalign aligners are removable, Riverside Orthodontics tells its Fairfield County, Connecticut, clients to be careful not to misplace aligners. Replacement aligners can delay the treatment period and add extra expense.
Foods like popcorn, gum and apples can be problematic for people with traditional braces, but Riverside Orthodontics’ Invisalign patients are able to eat anything they want.
Invisaligns are more expensive than some orthodontic procedure, but thousands of clients feel like the additional cost is worth the cosmetic and comfort benefits.
“I was willing to keep my car another year so I could get them,” Griffis-Smart said. “They will make a huge difference 10 years down the road.”