Life With Braces

Beginning Your Life With Braces

When beginning any course of orthodontic treatment, you may have questions. This is perfectly normal! You may be wondering what your life with braces may be like both during and after treatment. At Riverside Orthodontics we specialize in treatment with braces for patients of all ages. No matter what age you are, life with braces might be different from what you expect in a variety of ways!

 Who We Are

At Riverside Orthodontics we specialize in orthodontic care. We utilize treatment with braces in Darien CT, and braces in Stamford, CT. At Riverside Orthodontics we are proud to provide care which puts patients first. Dr. Scott L. Kesselman is an expert orthodontist ready to address all of your questions and concerns regarding life with braces.

What Braces Do

Braces are a tool in the orthodontist’s arsenal. There are various forms of braces which all essentially accomplish the same thing. While some braces are clear, others are colorful! Variations exist to provide patients with unique styling options that are well suited to their lifestyles. Braces are a great tool in straightening teeth. Utilizing a calculated approach, an orthodontist can align your teeth. The technology surrounding braces is quite simple. Brackets are mounted to the teeth, an archwire is connected to these brackets, and elastics provide the finishing touch. The brackets provide the guide for the wires, and when the wires are tightened, braces gently move teeth toward their correct position. This eventually leaves you with a beautifully straight and healthy smile!

What to Expect When Wearing Braces

Braces may be a bit foreign at first. Over time your mouth and teeth will adjust to having braces, and nothing will feel out of the ordinary. There may be some mild discomfort as braces are tightened and when you first get your braces placed in your mouth. Luckily, new technology makes braces more comfortable than ever before, and more effective too.Braces Near Me CT

You may have to be a bit more careful about what you eat. You’ll want to avoid particularly crunchy or sticky substances. Biting straight into things can be a bit of a hazard when fitted with braces. Save things like hard candy, or apples for after your treatment concludes. When wearing braces you can still play wind instruments, sports and do all the things you love! There are mouthguards that can help prevent injury during sports as well as damage to your orthodontic hardware.

Cleaning your teeth with braces may take a bit more of a careful approach. You will want to be sure to use a fluoride fortified toothpaste to help give your teeth some extra durability. By routinely flossing and rinsing with mouthwash you can get additional places a toothbrush may not reach. Along with these tips, using an interdental brush can get in between your brace wires and loosen debris. Following a stringent routine of care 2 to three times a day can help maximize the potential of your braces.

Want More Information?

Life with braces isn’t much different. Braces are a great treatment for patients of all ages, and can really turn your smile into something beautiful. When considering braces in Darien, CT or braces in Stamford, CT, no one is better suited for the job than Riverside Orthodontics. Contact Riverside Orthodontics today to learn more! Or schedule a free consultation here!

(203) 698-0045

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