Early Orthodontic Intervention: Effect on Kids’ Oral Health

Teeth becoming crooked and the jaws developing irregular alignment are usually viewed as simple aesthetic issues. However, these cases can become severe and affect a person’s confidence, oral healthy, and digestion in massive levels. For this reason, parents of kids and adolescents can take advantage of early orthodontic intervention to ensure that dental and jaw alignment issues are seen early and corrected as needed. In this blog, our orthodontist in Riverside will tell you about how early orthodontic intervention effect kids’ oral health.

What is Early Orthodontic Intervention?

Early orthodontic intervention, also known as interceptive orthodontics, is a preventive treatment that can be used to anticipate and avoid the onset of severe dental and jaw alignment problems. This early treatment can usually start when kids reach the age of 7 or 8, at the early stages of their permanent teeth development.


#1 – Prevents severe orthodontic cases.

Early Orthodontic Intervention

Early orthodontic intervention can stop the early signs of misalignment from getting worse and becoming more severe. This early treatment can reduce the need for more invasive corrective treatments and give kids a better chance to achieve healthy and properly aligned teeth early on.

When a dental and jaw misalignment case reaches a severe level, braces or clear aligner treatment is needed and will likely take a long time. This means that they also take a lot of an adult’s time and money. For that reason, orthodontics is an investment in your child’s oral health.

#2 – Improves kids’ confidence.

Having misaligned teeth and jaw alignment problems can affect a child’s confidence early on. kids orthodontic treatment in Riverside can help improve kids’ self-esteem in their early years by giving them a better-looking smile and the confidence to show it off.

It is also important for early orthodontic treatment to start early, as kids are much more likely to be accepting of early treatment and address the issue early, before it affects their confidence.


#3 – Early orthodontic intervention helps improve appearance.

Early orthodontic treatment can help give kids a better-looking smile early on. Kids with early misalignment or jaw alignment problems can often get a straighter and healthier-looking smile, before the condition becomes severe.

#4 – Aids proper digestion.

An incorrect bite can lead to difficulty in properly digesting food, as the teeth may not be able to cut and tear food. Early orthodontic intervention can help correct early misalignment and jaw alignment issues to help kids chew and break down their food properly, aiding digestion.

#5 – Supports better oral health.

Crooked teeth are harder to clean and can cause frequent canker sores, tooth decay and early cavities. When a child’s teeth and jaw are properly aligned, it is easier for them to clean their teeth and maintain proper oral health. It mostly likely leads them to not needing cavity treatments or unnecessary extractions in the future.

Straight Teeth and Oral Health


Proper oral health is important for a person’s physiological health and aesthetics. Healthy and good-looking teeth and gums also encourage a person to smile more and not be shy about it. Interceptive treatment helps children develop the habit of taking good care of their teeth and have a healthy smile that they can be proud of.

Plus, straight teeth come with a lot of benefits for a person’s health, such as early detection of misalignments and jaw alignment issues, improved digestion, early prevention of serious orthodontic cases, better oral hygiene and improved self-confidence. Early orthodontic intervention helps kids get the most out of the early stages of their oral health and prepares them for a healthy smile for years to come.

What Does Early Orthodontic Intervention Involve?

When you consult a pediatric orthodontist and get an assessment for your child’s interceptive treatment, early orthodontic intervention usually involves:

  • x-rays and impressions
  • regular monitoring of teeth positions are they erupt
  • using early space maintainers, palatal expanders, and headgear
  • early correction of misalignment cases with braces and clear aligners (usually for a short period)

Consult a Pediatric Orthodontist

Early Orthodontic Intervention

If you find early misalignments, jaw alignment problems, or other signs and symptoms that orthodontic treatment may help your child’s smile, early orthodontic intervention is an important step in your child’s oral health. Dr. Scott Kesselman in Riverside, CT is a highly trained orthodontist and is committed to being a leader in orthodontic care.

He has been providing excellent and comfortable treatment for all ages in the Riverside community and surrounding areas. Dr. Kesselman is also a pediatric orthodontist who works with parents in early orthodontic intervention and care. He understands the value of early treatment and can guide you through this process with your child’s oral health in mind.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Kesselman today and let him help your child get the early start they need to achieve a beautiful and healthy smile. You can also contact our office or visit our website to learn more about our early orthodontic intervention program and other services.

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